OMK IC-ADLA, in its current form, was established in 2001, but the spirit of its movement had begun almost two decades prior. It began when Dr. Robert Tango and Mrs. Marieta Tango, along with a few friends, founded Keluarga Katolik Indonesia di Amerika (KKIA) in Los Angeles in the early 1980s. KKIA initially consisted of adults only, but it gradually involved their youths and young adults.
Marieta, feeling a particularly strong calling to intercede for the youths and the young adults, unceasingly prayed for their spiritual revival. In 1994, a group of Indonesian college students gathered together in a prayer meeting under the guidance of the Tangos. Soon, they formed a prayer group called PD Hallelujah. In 1996, PD Hallelujah held a spiritual retreat and invited Tony Montante, who was the Bishop’s liaison to the charismatic movement in the Diocese of Monterey at the time, to be their retreat master. During the retreat, they experienced the powerful touch of the Holy Spirit which further strengthened their resolve. From that moment on, PD Hallelujah grew both in number and in faith.
In 2001, KKIA officially became a Catholic organization under the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and changed the name to the Indonesian Community of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles (IC-ADLA). The young adult branch of KKIA, who at the time consisted of many of PD Hallelujah’s members, was subsequently renamed Mudika IC, adopting the initials “IC” from IC-ADLA. Romo Linus Tiala, Pr. was appointed the first Chaplain of IC-ADLA. PD Hallelujah’s core members were given the task of coordinating and ministering to the young adults. In 2018 Romo Ali Petrus Kanisius, Pr. the appointed and current chaplain of IC-ADLA renamed Mudika (Muda-Mudi Katolik) to OMK (Orang Muda Katolik) to widen the scope of young adults in the community of IC-ADLA.
Pengurus OMK 2025/2026
Chaplain: Rm. Ali Petrus Kanisius, Pr.
Penasehat: Andriani Tjandra
Ketua: Alexander Evan Chandra
Wakil Ketua: Bella Brilliant
Bendahara: Vandy Addison
Sie Kerohanian: Cindy Maria Hardi (koordinator), Josef Hardi, Derry Teguh
Sie Musik: Nicholson Kon
Sie Ramahtamah: Joselin Hartanto
Sie Sosial – Rekreasi: Anastasia Shanon
Sie Sosial – Penjaringan: Teresa Adela
Sie Publikasi & Dokumentasi: Celine Tanu