Latest Past Events

Cinema Divina Series: Mental Health

St. Stephen Martyr School Classroom 3 119 S Ramona Ave, Monterey Park

*Dates can be changed 🎬 Lights, camera, ACTION! 🍿 Hey, fellow young adults, get ready for an exciting new monthly event that's all about YOU and the intersection between mental…


101 Practical Fasting Ideas for Lent

From One Catholic Life Blog By Deacon Nick Fasting, praying and almsgiving are the three penitential practices that we are asked to engage in during Lent. In addition to fasting…

Winter Cabin Trip 2024

Join us for the OMK Winter Cabin Trip! Get ready for an exciting and refreshing winter getaway with OMK! From February 2nd to 4th, 2024, we're heading to a cozy…